
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Everyman, I will go with thee...

Hey guys,

So I know I should be updating this with some of the work I've done recently, like the finished O. Henry cover or the album covers I just did, but right now I really just want to share what I found at the library sale I went to today. I figured it was a good place to find books to display my book jackets on for the Senior Thesis show. Title and content aren't important, its really just the size and shape of the book that matters and I found what I was looking for which is great, but I also wandered around a bit and found another book that was really cool. "The Poetical Works of John Milton." It was in a section called old/odd books. I only picked it up because it looked old and I guess I just like old things. Jewelry, men, cars, etc. I flipped the cover open to the endpapers and practically fell in love. The design is just beautiful.

I'm a sucker for decorative line work and as a bonus it has a name written in it. There's something really cool about finding a book that belonged to another person. It makes me wonder what they were like, whether they enjoyed the book, whether they're even still alive... This book belonged to Isadore H. Boorstein of Cornell '20. I assume since this person graduated in 1920 theres a good chance they are no longer living. I googled Isadore a little bit (because I'm totally creepy) and unfortunately all i found was that they went to Cornell. (go figure) Anyway, there was also a kind of title page in the book that was just as gorgeous as the endpapers.

There is no Illustrator listed anywhere so I can't look them up and find any more of their work but all the same it's still a really cool book to have and I might even read it. I just hope it doesn't fall apart since it's pretty old.

Oh and If you want to freak people out in a library or a book store, take a measuring tape with you and start measuring books. You'll get all kinds of weird looks. Nobody asked me what I was doing so I didn't bother explaining that I need books of the same size for my senior thesis show. I can't even imagine what they thought I was doing.

I'll try to have another post up soon. For now, enjoy!
